Taking Away and Adding

I have been working really hard to declutter our little home. Suddenly I just felt awash. Out have gone toys which were outgrown, magazines, books, clothes…so many, many things.

There is always more to do, but suddenly you can see the blank canvas of our home again. And it isn’t just home, it is our lives too.

I opted out of signing up to lots of (or indeed any) toddler classes long ago. But now we are trying to make our days even more simple and rhythmic. Saying no to too much busyness, and just enjoying being rather than always doing.

This morning we went to the big soft play center with our toddler group friends, but Jessica just wasn’t in the mood for it. Back at home it was lovely to peg up the washing on the line while she played in the garden, to sit on the sofa with her reading book after book, to let her stand on a chair in the kitchen and cook her dinner. To talk about the clouds.

Since clearing the clutter in our home and in our day, life feels sweeter. Jessica plays with her toys better and more now they are fewer and more easily accessible. 

It isn’t just taking away now though, it is the adding too. The candle we light at meal times. The lavender oil I rub into her feet and wrists at bedtime. The little songs we sing.

There are still more things I want to take away and more things I want to add, but it suddenly feels that after a long time percolating these thoughts, they are suddenly taking shape around me and weaving their way into the fabric of our lives.

2 thoughts on “Taking Away and Adding

  1. Your days with Jessica sound lovely. Similar to the days I remember with my own mother and then later with my own children. Those were wonderful times and I oft think of them and wish to return to those days of simple pleasures. They are, in my memory, glorious, with a rhythm and flow, like the ocean tide with it’s ebb and flow. Quite mesmerizing.

  2. We seem to be in the same phase of life but at different stages! I have been looking at the house and I see a whole host of tidying and decluttering ahead of me that seems a bit much and a bit overwhelming. I echo your Waldorf philosophy as that is something I have practised with Baby VP for a good wee while, though we’re still trying to find a rhythm that suits us best. Hope you’re well. Did you get my email?

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